TLDR Brand Book

> Brand book, Riso Printing

Too Long Didn't Read (TLDR) is a specialist in improving the End User License Agreement (EULA) for video gaming brands.

To narrate its brand identity, I crafted this brand book at LCC printing studio, using Riso printing and wire binding. Its contents encompass the EULA issue, co-creators’ persona, TLDR’s brand structure and the case of an EULA game. It’s recommended to read this book alongside the previous article on brand and game design.

The book cover is a Switch 3DS (game console) protector, signifying that TLDR effectively safeguards gamers' video gaming experiences. 

太长不看(TLDR / Too Long Didn’t Read)是一个用户协议(EULA)咨询品牌,专门为游戏品牌提供用户协议改进与可视化服务。



手册封面实际上是Switch 3DS的游戏机保护壳,意味着太长不看守护着玩家的游戏之旅。


© Hazel (Hanzhi) Wang